
Riesling feinherb


Riesling feinherb

The flow is hard to resist. Gentle waves sparkle. The gentle sweetness is striking. A smooth wine that goes with the flow and doesn’t take over.Its balance catches us and returns us to our surroundings – right there where we want to be, far out in the open. Where we can discover exotic elements. Everything appears clear and particularly present. Lightness in the moment.

“Gentle sweetness, but nonetheless a Riesling to its core.”

Kati Strasen (Owner Hotel Kleines Meer, Waren, Germany)

This ‘Riesling Feinherb’ (off-dry) comes from various Riesling vineyard plots on our estate. A wine carefully positioned between sweetness and structure.


Its balance is its strength. The fruitiness that is carried by sweetness is countered by a balanced acidic structure and minerality – all in delicate harmony.



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